Thursday, October 8, 2009

"But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?"

My associate went over my unit plan with me today and it has been decided that I will start teaching TOMORROW.

And the plan is that I will continue to teach the class the entirety of Romeo and Juliet, (which means I'm teaching it until I leave).

It's a lot. And I'm nervous. But I'm also excited. I'm excited to see what I can do. I'm excited to learn more, and I'm excited for the challenge. It's going to be an interesting day tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'm also going to Toronto for Thanksgiving to see the fam, and to eat lots of turkey, perogies and mashed potatoes. I'm super excited.

The only damper to tomorrow is that I have teacher college course homework (Prof 180) that's due on SATURDAY, and so I'm going to get to Toronto friday night, hug everyone, and then have to do hw for 180 and post it.

Oh life.

However, despite that, the weekend is going to be wonderful I've decided. And tomorrow is going to be awesome.


  1. Good luck!

    I know lots of people don't like Romeo and Juliet, saying it's too fluffy or melodramatic or not literary enough or whatever, but I have always found it both emotionally and intellectually rewarding.

    I don't know if this helps, but people have told me they'd have been more interested in R + J if they'd been taught about how much of the play is Sh/p's response to/parody of/attack on Petrarchan conceits and sonnet conventions. If you want more, let me know and I'll let you know.

  2. Hey

    Yeah I know a bit about the Petrarchan conceits and sonnet conventions. We discussed it in my Shakespeare class back in second year.

    Friday's class went fairly well. I gave them a pop quiz and an assignment that's due on Tuesday. They're gifted kids but they still weren't too amsued to have hw over the long weekend lol.
