Sunday, May 30, 2010

blog 2

I have just created another blog.

Funny story.

My best friend, who is basically my sister, emailed me to tell me that she switched her blogger blog to a tumblr blog, and told me to check her new blog out.

So I did.

And it looked fantastic.

I went to leave a comment on her new blog, but being as it's me, and I'm also technologically inept I ended up creating a blog by accident. Then, since I had it I decided to customize it. Then I wrote a post because hey you can't just have an empty blog.

Now, I have 2 blogs. I haven't decided quite yet if I'll switch On Route over to tumblr or if tumblr will be just there, but as soon as I do decide I'll post it here.

The URL for my new blog is:

Go check it out when you get a chance.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Today, my housemate and I were cooking dinner when we had a slight mishap. Butter was spilled on the element and also got into the element. We didn't think about it really and just assumed that it would burn off.

BIG mistake.

The element after a moment or two, catches fire. So we take the pot off of the element and there's this nice little flame coming out of our element. The two of us stare at it for a moment and ask each other:

...crap...what do we do...?

Then, with a flash of insight I remember the movie Gone in 60 Seconds.

How does this relate you ask?

Well, in the movie the younger brother of the main character sets a frying pan/element on fire, and the older brother grabs baking soda and dumps it all over the flame.

Thus, I start scrambling for baking soda in the kitchen while the fire burns merrily on.

After a few seconds I find the baking soda and give it to my housemate.

She asks the most important question: will this work?

I reply, "I'm not sure, I saw it in a movie."

So, she grabs a little bit, and tosses it onto the element and the fire immediately goes out.

Lessons of the evening:
1. You can learn things from movies
2. Baking soda is fantastic for putting out kitchen fires. (Remember that one).

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Oh to be Single

I am a single 23 year-old woman and normally I have no problem being single, or being me, but currently, I am watching Bridget Jones Diary and I'm struck by how in society it is not ok to be single. Or maybe struck by how much people don't want to be single.

The entire movie - and lets face it every other chick flick out there in the world, is about NOT being alone, about FINDING your ONE true love, and about living happily ever after.

Don't get me wrong, I am not one of those bitter women who have given up on men and have resigned to being a spinster, hating young couples for the rest of my life. I definitely believe in true love, soul mates, and happily ever after. The problem I have is that society has made it out to be that if you're not dating someone, married etc then in some aspect you're a failure - ESPECIALLY if you're a woman.

Why is that?

Shouldn't the main focus of your life be you?

I realize that sounds entirely selfish, but I mean, this is your life, why should people spend it worried about being single instead of doing something awesome with themselves.

I feel like if we all spent less time worried about catching a man (or woman) and more time thinking about ourselves and the world, then the rest will fall into place because by being you, you're putting yourself out there for the world to see, and if you're out there being you instead of sitting in your apt drinking wine and watching tv, your soul mate is going to have an easier time finding you. Don't you agree?

I just think that being single and catching a man (or woman) shouldn't be our number one goal, and shouldn't be our prime focus.

What are you doing for you?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Cliched Year of Discovery

I have always had a plan.

Whether it was in grade school when I wanted to be a doctor, in high school when I wanted to be a professor, in university when I (thought) I wanted to be a teacher, I have always had a plan. The plan may change frequently, but a plan has always existed. I always had a direction I wanted to take and the ambition, drive and follow through to get there.

A problem has arisen however.

I don't want to be a doctor, a professor or a teacher.

What do I want to do? or be?

No idea.

For the FIRST time in my LIFE I don't know what I want to do. I don't have a plan. I don't know which direction to head in and because of that I now have no ambition or drive to get there (wherever there may be).

This is a problem.

Thus, begins my cliched year of discovery. I am taking the year to just work and figure out/sort out what I want to do.

So far I am learning all sorts of new things - budgeting being the big one so far.

Stayed tuned. The year is definitely going to be interesting.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Adventure Begins

Crazyness. Slight Mayhem. Ordered Chaos.

That has been the last 48 hours of my life - well the lives of 5 people actually, since I now have 4 new housemates.

It really all fully and completely started on Wednesday at 2:12 pm. 2:12 is the time that I finished teacher's college. Who was excited? Actually...I still am excited that I'm done. But, Wednesday 2:12 was the time that one thing ended and another began.

When I got home on Wednesday I celebrated with some friends because hey, I just finished teacher's college. I am a teacher. I am responsible for teaching new generations of children. What did we do to celebrate? Watch game 7 of the Montreal and Washington hockey game. It was so awesome when Montreal trounced them.

Thursday, was the day of mad packing because I was moving. I was tripping over boxes, the apt was a mess, my previous housemate was moving out as well, it was crazy. By the time that Thursday night rolled around I was packed, and the apt was mostly cleaned.

Friday was Go Time. I woke up around 7 am I was finished cleaning the apt by 10 am.

Major Problem: I had to be out of my apt by 2 pm on Friday but we didn't get the moving truck until 6 pm Friday.

Solution: My new housemates have 2 vans between them and to everyone's surprise everything I own fit into the 2 vans.

We started moving into our new apt around 2:30 on Friday. By 6 pm we were back at 2 of my new housemate's old apt moving all of their furniture into the moving van that we now had.

New problem with the moving van: There was confusion regarding it so we could only have the moving van until 10:30 am - we are currently living on top of a hardware store and so the store wasn't opened until 9 am and they have an elevator that we were going to use for the big furniture.

Solution: Load the truck at night with everyone's stuff. Saturday morning get to the apt early and just unload it onto the loading bay so we can return the truck.

The last piece of our stuff got up to the apt around 3 pm on Saturday - just before it started to POUR rain.

We are now all moved in :)

The next step for us is to CLEAN because the last people who lived in our apt were apparently allergic to everything related to a cleaning product. Currently, one of the bathrooms is clean, and part of the kitchen.

Our landlord is also bringing in a guy to clean the carpets in 3 of our rooms on Monday so we can't get fully set up in those 3 rooms (one of which is my bedroom) until post Monday.

So, there is a slight amount of Mayhem kicking around our apt. Soon though, soon though we will be completely settled.