Tuesday, January 19, 2010

the dreaming twitch

I don't know if this happens to you, but when I dream (which isn't too often) and I fall, or I hit a body part off of something, I usually jerk awake because that limb or whatever twitches (or slightly more than twitches) in the real world.

Does that ever happen to you?

Last night this happened to me again. First in a dream I hit my leg off of something, so I jerked awake as my right leg twitched.

I cursed slightly and then I settled back down to go to sleep.

Well, less than 5 minutes later something happened in a dream I don't remember because the next thing I know I'm awake, I have the tingly sensation that you get when you nail, or are about to nail, your head off something in a dream AND my head twitched.

It felt like my brain had moved around in my skull. It slightly freaked me out. Actually, I'm still slightly freaked out about the whole thing. I mean what if my brain really did slush around up there?

Does anything weird happen to you when you dream? Do you dream? If you do, do you dream in colour or black and white?

Monday, January 18, 2010

epic boredom

Today and tomorrow there are special program days at teacher's college.

Today was terrible.

Incredibly boring.

To stave of boredom I wrote a children's story about a little raindrop, who didn't want to be a raindrop anymore because it was boring. So he tell's his mum this, and she points out to him all the amazing things that only a raindrop can do. It ends with the little raindrop realizing that being a raindrop is a pretty awesome adventure.

Maybe tomorrow I'll write about a cat. Ooo...or a hedgehog. I really like hedgehogs.

Friday, January 15, 2010

welcome to life

I can't decide if I'm sick or not.

I feel like crap currently, which is making me believe that I am and every now and again I get hot and then I get cold, which also weighs in on the sick category, but I mean maybe I feel crappy because my allergies are bad today and I'm tired, and maybe I'm hot and cold because it's me and I'm strange. If I was older I could blame menopause for the body temperature and sleep deprivation for everything else.

Anyway, I'm sitting in bed and drinking juice.

I really should work on this presentation that i have in a week but you know why I don't want to work on it now? Cause I have a week. That's me. Procrastination is my middle name.

The thing that is irritating me today (so far anyway) is that I'm in this group for my curriculum English class and we have this assignment to do (obviously) and it's been really hard to get all of the group together. So my group and I are emailing each other back and forth and then one of the girls sends out this bitchy little email about how she doesn't have time to sort out who can meet when because she has all these other assignments due etc etc and that let's just pick a date and if some people can't come too bad.

Umm...HELLO? Welcome to life, and welcome to teacher's college. We're all sitting in the same damn boat as her but do you see us sending bitchy little emails. No. (I just write bitchy little blog posts). I want to tell her to stop being such a wiener and to suck it up. But I think I might tell her AFTER the assignment is done. I feel like that's a better mark survival approach.

I'm tired of teacher's college I have to say.

And I'm tired of this headache that I have.

I'm going to go and watch an episode of How I Met Your Mother.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

a bone to pick

In one of my classes today we had a guest speaker come in from Kingston's Children's Aid Society.

It was a fantastic class, and the speaker really knew what he was talking about and what we as soon to be teachers should look out for etc etc. Fantastic knowledge and he answered all of the questions that we threw at him.

One thing however disturbed me about the discussion.

The guest speaker commented on the lack of aid that there is for young adults 16-17 years old. You see, apparently, if you're under 16 then childrens aid can help you, but over 16 they're not allowed. And since you're not an adult until you're 18, you also can't get aid from the provincial government (you're not an adult yet so you don't get government financial aid - like welfare). You're in fact screwed if you're 16-17 years old and have a home that is unsafe for you. No one can OFFICIALLY help you.

You know what Childrens Aid calls those years? The black hole.

They can't help you, and there's no other official government system that is set up to help you either.

I heard this and just sat there in shock. There is no provinical government aid or system set up to help people who are 16-17 years old and living in an unsafe home.

There is something COMPLETELY wrong with that, and it's totally unacceptable.

Something needs to be done.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

question posed to the universe:

If the dream is to become a book editor how on earth do I go about doing that?

Monday, January 4, 2010

just so you know


I need to tell this to the world. It's bragging I realize, but I just need to say it:

Until February I have NO CLASS on Monday's. That's right. Bupkiss on the class.

I've never not had class on a certain day. I have to say that it feels pretty spectacular.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

new year resolutions

I'm sure that I'm like everyone else when it comes to the new years resolutions: I suck at them.

I make a couple each Jan. and then by the end of Jan or the beginning of Feb I've totally blown them or am incredibly close to it.

New Years Resolutions are thus not for the faint hearted.

Since however, I am not good with the whole idea of failing (at anything), I am once again making the attempt at the new year resolutions.

My New Year Resolutions for 2010 are, therefore, as follows:

1a) Write more (more than I have been)

1b) Post at least once a week

2) Read my Bible more (more than I have been)

3) Sort out my priorities, pick a direction to take and then follow it.

4) Try Yoga.

Do me a favor. At the end of Jan/beginning of Feb ask me how the New Years resolutions are coming, and then tell me to get my behind in gear and keep going.

Should I get snappy with you, tell me to shut up and to stop being a wimp.