Monday, April 19, 2010

way too early

It is currently 8:53 am on Monday April 19th 2010.

I have been up since 6:15 am, and I have completed everything on my to-do list for the day except for ONE thing.

Impressive no?

Anyway, the last thing on my to-do list for the day is to finish 2/3rds of this assignment that I have to do for teacher's college. It's due in a little over a week. It's a BRUTAL assignment. The fastest I've heard it being done so far is in 9 hours.

This is a soul-sucking, destroy your week (let alone your day), make you hate your life, will look back on this 30 years from now and make you shudder type of assignment.


There are 9 questions to the assignment. Each answer has to be a page to a page and a half long. The assignment is on the philosophy of education. I am currently on the second question, and I want to bang my head repeatedly off my desk.

The point of this blog post is to:
a) make you pity me
b) procrastinate
c) rage against the stupidity of this assignment

It's also not helping that it is ONLY 9:01 am. I mean I have the whole day for this right?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I am paralyzed.
I stare at the blank page
the words dry up in my mouth
my fingers cramp and freeze
and in short, I am afraid.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I collected my first boxes today.

I am moving in 3 weeks.

It's starting to feel real.

It felt more real after I also dove into the depths of my closet and came out with a garbage bag full of clothes that I am giving away.

My closet is clean and emptier.

Packing has begun.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Move Bitch

PET PEEVE: People who DO NOT MOVE OVER when you're walking towards them on the sidewalk.

How hard is it to move over to the right? When you see me walking towards you, can you not move your ass on over so instead of taking the WHOLE sidewalk, you, I dunno leave me a quarter - what the hell, let's be wild and say HALF of the sidewalk?!

Also, this doesn't just count only for you, it's you and all of your friends who look disdainfully at someone when they try to walk by you on the sidewalk and you guys don't move over.

Hello, 1 of me, 3 of you. Who's taking up more space here? Is it REALLY that difficult to move over? Who the hell made you guys lords of the concrete?

Society needs an education on manners. Decent human beings don't force people into on-coming traffic because they can't find it in themselves to move over on the sidewalk.

Move. The. Fuck. Over.