Saturday, April 10, 2010

Move Bitch

PET PEEVE: People who DO NOT MOVE OVER when you're walking towards them on the sidewalk.

How hard is it to move over to the right? When you see me walking towards you, can you not move your ass on over so instead of taking the WHOLE sidewalk, you, I dunno leave me a quarter - what the hell, let's be wild and say HALF of the sidewalk?!

Also, this doesn't just count only for you, it's you and all of your friends who look disdainfully at someone when they try to walk by you on the sidewalk and you guys don't move over.

Hello, 1 of me, 3 of you. Who's taking up more space here? Is it REALLY that difficult to move over? Who the hell made you guys lords of the concrete?

Society needs an education on manners. Decent human beings don't force people into on-coming traffic because they can't find it in themselves to move over on the sidewalk.

Move. The. Fuck. Over.


  1. You're so eloquent when you're raging ;)

    And I completely agree with you. I, however, am that asshole who refuses to move for said three guys and instead slams into them with my shoulder on purpose. Might want to try it some time ;)

  2. Good rant.

    It reminds me of a theory I have about a related topic. Sometimes when two people are walking towards each other they end up nearly walking into each other. One goes to the left, and the other goes the same way; then to the right, and the other the same way. It usually happens a couple of times before both people have a good chuckle and are able to put themselves on the right path.

    My theory is that this happens when people are looking at each other. A "go where you look" thing that our brain does, as it does on a bicycle or motorcycle. The solution is to simply break the look at the other party. It isn't intuitive--you are looking to see where they go so you can go a different way--but it seems to work. Break the look, look to where you want to go. Simple.

    Also, for what it's worth, I think a true gentleman will step out of his path to make way for a lady. I know that I'd rather step in mud off a footpath in my best shoes than to make a lady do the same.

  3. And they say chivalry is dead ;)

  4. It isn't; it just went underground.

    My brother was telling me today about a status theory: people play chicken with the sidewalk and break away based on their own perceived social status (in the context in which they are currently operating). My only problem with this is that some people will break early not based on social status but based on altruism, a factor usually (and erroneously) left out of sociological discussions.
