Thursday, March 18, 2010

removing wisdom

On Tuesday I got my wisdom teeth removed. All 4 of them. And they didn't render me unconscious.

I am not a dentist person. You might even go so far as to say that I have an irrational fear and hatred of the dentist. However, I needed to get my wisdom teeth removed because they weren't doing so good, would end up hurting me eventually, and to top it all off once I'm out of school I'm not covered by my parents insurance so I would have to pay.

All of these reasons led me to the oral surgeon on Tuesday.

They were originally going to knock me out for it all, however I was so stuffed up in my nose when I went that they didn't think that it would be a good idea to knock me out. They heavily sedated me instead. Yeah, I felt no pain but I still heard and felt them yanking out my bottom right wisdom tooth. It is a NASTY sound and feeling I tell you.

Today is now Thursday. I took pain killers the first day but haven't since. And I have virtually no swelling. So I realize that I shouldn't complain. I have been living on meal replacement drinks, jello, yogurt and pudding though. I haven't had tea since Monday. And I just overall feel like crap.

What am I up to today? Well besides attempting to ingest these antibiotics I have to take 4 times a day, I am writing a paper today that is due Monday (my birthday).

This week has just been inducted into the top 5 worst weeks of life.


  1. I hope the week gets better.

    I had my wisdom teeth removed two days before this past New Year's Eve. I was put to sleep for the procedure and it was brilliant. I am sorry that you didn't have the same luxury.

    The greatest impact on me was waiting a week or two before attempting any intense sport (such as playing squash). One side of my mouth also hurt for up to two weeks after. Nothing major--Advil could handle the pain easily when it was uncomfortable.

    Funny story: I lost the syringe thing they give you on my first day back to the University (of Ottawa) after having the teeth removed. I felt sorry for whomever may have come across that. Yuck.

    I bought some of those small Dixie cups for the bathroom and kept a stack of them right at the sink. Really useful for a quick rinse, which you will likely do a lot of.

  2. Yeah rinsing and I have become quite good friends as of late.

    The only side that really hurts now is the bottom left everything else is pretty good.
