Sunday, March 7, 2010

the master was unmoved.
to all their objections he would say,
'You have yet to understand that the
shortest distance between a human being
and Truth is a story."

-Anthony de Mello


  1. Like you, I wanted to make more time to spend reading and understanding the Bible this year. I don't know how you're doing with that, but I am not doing as well as I'd hoped. I'd love to get into a real daily routine, but I always make excuses in the morning and evening.

    Last week I had a brilliant idea: do it at work! I brought a copy of this quarter's "Our Daily Bread" to keep in my desk, and I can use it as a guide for daily readings. So far it hasn't been perfect, but I've probably read more on my own in the past week than I had in the previous month.

    And I just recently found ODB online. I don't know why I didn't bother to look for it online before.
