Saturday, March 20, 2010

a strange lull

This week was slightly crazy.

On Monday I got my G2 in Kingston and then by Monday night I was in Toronto.
On Tuesday I got my wisdom teeth out (what a joy that was).
On Wednesday I recooperated.
On Thursday I wrote part of a paper that's due this Monday.
On Friday I finished my paper and hung out with my family.
On Saturday I hustled to get everything ready to come back to Kingston and now here I am.

I have nothing to do until I go to work tomorrow night, and for the first time in about a month I don't have anything to prepare for for Monday and I don't have anything to stress out about or worry about. And it's WEIRD.

I don't know what to do with myself.


  1. Read a book! (That's what I did all day.)
    Watch a movie!
    Play video games!
    Eat! (Jello and stuff, I guess.)
    Go for a long walk outside!
    Find a homeless person and buy him a meal!
    Write a list of the most awesome things you have ever done!
    Remember something you did that you shouldn't have done and apologize to the relevant person for it!
    Google "pictures of kittens"! (Puppies will also do quite nicely. Also, babby rabbits.)
    If your housemate isn't home, turn up your music really loud and dance!
    Write a sonnet!
    Write a letter! (Maybe selfish motives, here. By the way, did you get mine?)
    Draw pictures of insects! And frogs!
    Write a list of the most important things you know, and post it on this blog!
    Call someone you haven't spoken to in a month!
    Go through your clothes and find the craziest and most hideous combination you can come up with, and then take pictures of yourself wearing it!
    Find something that grosses you out and then do it until it doesn't gross you out any more!
    Start a new journal entitled, "Things My Grandchildren Should Know"!
    Design a sexy superhero costume for yourself! (Or a princess dress, if that seems more appropriate)!
    Draw a map of your own fantasy island! (Not that kind of fantasy, Cait. Get your mind out of the gutter...)
    Jump up and down until you get bored of it!
    Play with Lego! (This would require having Lego.)
    Have a tea party with yourself!

    It would be nice if I could come up with this sort of list whenever I'm bored. Then again, I was trying to come up with things for you, not for me. I wonder if boredom is less a lack of things to do as a lack of motivation/optimism to think of anything.

    WV: enumate. That sounds like a real word.

  2. Good advice from CH. I'd probably suggest watching random weird videos on YouTube and reading Wikipedia in an attempt to understand Lady Gaga.

  3. You could plan for your bday tomorrow

  4. Wicked list CH!!! And yes I did get your letter :) I haven't replied yet though, but I will def do it soon.

    Rock I don't think anyone can understand Lady Gaga though it would be interesting to attempt.

    Mr. Christie I should have planned for today because I have no idea what I'm doing for my b-day and my b-day is almost over.

  5. What Cait can do on birthday: refer to previous list.

  6. I went bowling :) and went to my first day of my new prac.

  7. Oooo. Bowling. Very 1950s. I like it.
