Saturday, April 4, 2009

Unconstructive Blogger Update

I haven't written here lately. I find myself with nothing to say - which is strange since I talk a lot and always have something to say...

So much has happened lately too:

I got into Queens teacher's college. And Western. I accepted Queens though. I'm going to New Zealand in just over a month for almost a month. I need to find a place to live for the summer and next year - and a summer job that pays well. I need to do well on my exams. I'm working with a friend on writing a script this month. My housemate and I experimented with making jello shots last night. I haven't been eating well lately which is a problem for me since I'm so damn tiny. Our furnace turned on for some reason today and our apt was 30.6 degrees for the entire day. It also rained all day.

I find myself lately not caring about really anything. I feel like everyone is moving fwd and I'm standing still (I know what a bloody cliche - it's almost 2 am, bear with me here).

I don't know what I want. It's so frustrating to not know what you want! I'm rather irritated with myself.

And I'm tired of people analysizing me - I'm starting to feel like I'm in the zoo. I totally understand why all the animals just sit there and stare at all the people. If people kept demanding that I do cool tricks I would just sit in the sun all day too and say screw you with my attitude.

ok. This is coming out way bitchy-er then I was intending it.

I'm sitting in the living room with the window open and every once in a while some random drunk Queens students will walk by being hilariously loud and disturb my comfortable silence I have going on with the rain.

It's 2 am. I should go to bed. And yet. I don't want to.

See this is why I haven't posted. I really don't have anything constructive to say to cyberspace.

Thanks for listening to me bitch though.


  1. Congratulations on getting in.

    Chin up.

  2. OK, hilarity notice:

    the word verification for the last post was "icant," which seemed funny, considering the less than happy mood of your post.

  3. hahaha that is really funny.
