Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the view from my couch

I've neglected this blog for most of March and most of April. Why you ask dear cyberspace?

Probably because of the papers and the readings and the exams that were in progress took up too much time, and left my brain fried.

But now I'm sitting here on my couch that is being taken tomorrow (because someone bought it and I'll be sitting on the floor for the next 2 days), alone, because my housemates have left, and I now know that living by yourself is hard. I also know that I am the LAZIEST person alive today. All I've done is sit on my couch and watch tv. I'm almost done the first and only season of Higher Ground and I watched the newest episode of Greek. Pathetic I know. Though it is the first time that I've done this since like December. I suppose I'm over due.

I think another reason that I've enjoyed sitting on the couch all day (well except for the couple of hours when I was packing) is because it's raining today. And rain makes my knees ache. It's like a deep ache, that doesn't cease and everything is stiff and sore. I suppose this is what happens when you're missing cartilage in your knees and then proceed to dance for 8 years. I can even feel bones grinding back and forth sometimes when I move them. I don't talk about my knee pain though because people laugh at me when I do. I mean I'm 22, what do I know about knee pain right? But it's there. And it hurts. Every time the temperature drastically changes, or it rains or snows. (And of course I pick living in Kingston where it rains all the damn time lol) The funny thing is, for all that the rain pains me, I really like it. It makes me smile. (The rain not the pain).

I'm writing this post because well I need to talk someone and since it's near midnight, and talking to myself is slightly creepy, here I am chatting with cyperspace.

I really can't believe that I'm going to New Zealand in like 10 days. I mean I haven't even been in a 747 before. Plus, I have to move out, move in, catch a bus to Toronto, meet and greet the folks and the family since I've been MIA since February, and then head off to the airport. I can't really fathom it all, or make it real in my head. I mean I'm sitting on my couch right now, and in 10 days I will be near the edge of the bottom of the world.

Well anyways cyperspace I will blog when I'm there. I mean I bet you can't wait for my storytelling of swimming with dolphins, meeting Flight of the Concords, and Peter Jackson, and all the other crazy stuff that New Zealand has to offer.


I guess I'll keep you posted.