Monday, November 16, 2009

fav article of clothing?

Do you ever wake up and just feel kind of off? You've woken up, nothing has happened yet, you're still in bed, and yet, something doesn't feel right. Something feels off.

Now, some people call that getting up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning, which is a weird phrase, and I personally think a dumb one. I'm sticking with feeling off.

Feeling off is how I started my day this morning. My alarm clock shrieked it's beeping WAY to early this morning (I worked at 6:30 am) and it woke me up from the deepest of slumbers. It scared the crap out of me, and I swear unsettled my soul.

I went to work, and then I was leaving I felt that one of the managers was slightly bitchy towards me, which I realize is probably/was probably me just projecting my crap day onto her and reading her from my perspective of a crap day, but still. I wasn't that happy.

I then proceeded to sit through 5 hrs of class, - 2.5 hrs of which there was one particular female who I wanted to chuck something at for being such a nincompoop.

I also have a zit on my face that has its own gravitational pull, which did also not help me in the feeling better department.

The day redeemed itself at the end because I watched a movie and hung out with friend, then I talked to my mum for a bit and now I'm in bed with my laptop writing this. I was going to work on an assignment, but the website isn't working where I need to get my information from, so I think I'm going to go to bed.

I love bed. I love pillows. I love covers. And I particularly love p.j. bottoms. They are in my top 3 fav list of articles of clothing. Sweaters being number 1 of course.

Anyway, since I can't stop yawning I'm going to go to bed and snuggle into my covers.

While I sleep however, you can answer me a question: what is your favourite article of clothing?


  1. Sweaters, totally. I have something like 26 sweaters. I think it's because they don't need to be ironed--you can just throw them on.

    Also, I quite enjoy the use of the word "nincompoop".

  2. Thanks :)

    And sweaters are golden.

  3. I like T-shirts that fit... because they hardly ever do.
