Wednesday, November 11, 2009

hehe moment

Currently I am sitting in my EDST 429 class (it's all about teaching ESL).

Today we got an assignment about fortune cookies. The point was to get our ESL students to see what they are, and write their own fortunes so that they could practice English.

Our professor brought us fortune cookies.

So what did my table do?

We opened them, ate them (except me, I don't like eating fortune cookies) and then we got to the best part. The actual fortune.

We start reading our fortunes, and then we added the classic "in bed" after it. (And maybe I suggested it first)

(For those of you who don't know this childish activity. You add "in bed" at the end of your fortune, just for laughs)

You have common sense and a lot of charm.
Someone is looking up to you. Don't let that person down.
Your persistence will pay off soon.

We sat in the back of the class, chortling over these fortunes.

We're that mature.

Best 10 min of my day so far. And it's only 10:12 am.


  1. If you add "in bed" to some of the sentences in your post, you get some pretty good ones.

  2. Also, I should mention that the "in bed" addition isn't completely arbitrary. As education students, it's "in B.Ed." We're clever that way.
