Friday, November 20, 2009

October 50th 2009

I walked in a few minutes late to my English class yesterday to see the overhead slide with October 50th 2009 on it, and my favourite TA standing at the front.

He had just started a story about why the month of November is a dead month to him.

2 years ago he was teaching somewhere in the far east - not Budapest but somewhere near there/out there. Where he was teaching there was a little store that sold amazing samosas. He was told however to never get anything else from there but the samosas. Well one day, there was nothing else open and he wanted some veggies and so he went to this little store and got the veggie curry. The next day he woke up with a huge rash, his mouth and lips were so read and swollen it looked like he "had been french kissing an iron" and his feet were so swollen that they wouldn't fit into his shoes. He also has no known allergies. He was like that for a week, and he had to go to school to teach with a shirt, tie, and flip flops.

Last year he broke his leg on Nov 1st.

This year he got H1N1 that then developed into pneumonia.

Thus, the dead month of November, and why yesterday it was Oct. 50th.

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