Monday, September 14, 2009

and then it was gone

So I get up this morning at 9 am and head into the shower, turn on the water, get in AND THEN just as I'm about to go and put shampoo in my hair the water turns off. Gone. Completely gone.

In a desperate hope I turn off the taps and turn them back on again. Nada. I get out of the shower and turn on the bathroom taps. Nothing. I go into the kitchen and turn on those taps. Bupkiss.

What do I do? Well it's me. So I curse.

I then turn on my trusty laptop and fire off an email to my landlord telling him I have no water and that it is completely unacceptable that I have no water as I pay everything on time AND we received no notification that the water would be turned off. I tell him to come and fix the problem immediately because, Hey I'm PISSED.

(Yes I realize it could have been worse - I could have had shampoo in my hair, and so I'm VERY grateful and fortunate that I didn't).

The other problem is that I also can't make tea which is extremely disheartening as it's Monday morning and I have class for 5 hrs today. My hair is also unwashed and I will now look like an 1800s street urchin from London.

And so the week begins.


  1. something about this post reminds me of why I'm glad you're my friend, Cait :D.
