Friday, September 25, 2009

kick ass lesson plan

That's right. I just created a kick ass lesson plan about espionage in WWII.

That's right. I am boasting.


Because it's kick ass, and I'm proud of my genius brain for coming up with it.


It's due tomorrow and it's done. That's also why I'm so excited. 4 and a half hrs and I'm now done.


  1. What is this?! From the title of post, I was expecting a lesson on how to brown nose a teacher!

  2. Espionage in WWII. Wicked subject. I'm going to use the ideas I have in that lesson plan for forever and a day if I end up being a teacher.

  3. Yes, funny title.

    Sounds like a good subject. You could show Inglourious Basterds in the class as well, since that female actress was a spy.

  4. ...yeah i totally just realized that the title said kiss ass instead of kick ass.

    ...that might have just been my stupid moment of the month...
