Thursday, September 3, 2009

welcome to B.ed

This week was the first week of teacher's college.

I hated the first day.
The second day was better, but I still had the same headache that I had gotten from the previous day.
That brings us to today. Day 3. No headache today. And classes were bearable.

I have decided that the only way anyone gets through teacher's college is because of the people they know and the friends they make. Without the jokes, the bitch sessions, the sympathy and empathy and the laughter it would be impossible to survive.

Teacher's college is not about marks, it's about managing 8 courses, and a ba-jillion due dates. Everyone feels overwhelmed, no one feels qualified to do this, and everyone hates at least 6 of their courses.

Everyone is also encouraged to work in groups, and to help each other - which is completely different from undergrad where it was all about competing with each other.

We all have quite rapidly grown to love groups however, because we have quickly realized that it is only because of the people around us and our friends, that we're going to survive this year.

Everyone also questions at least once a day, why exactly they, and if they actually, want to be a teacher.

Isn't it scary? We're going to be teaching your future children.


  1. Given what my mother tells me about the teachers at her school, I don't think I can be any more scared than I already am.
