Monday, September 14, 2009

thoughts on swing

I went to Swing for the first time tonight - alright let's be honest it was my second time. The first time I went I was commandeered by my friend Ian who ran into me just as I was getting off my work shift last year at Common Ground, and he took me in and we danced for about 10 min.

Anyway, this was my real first time (no offense meant Ian) and it was a lot of fun. See I've danced for a very long time - ballet, jazz, (though I only did those for a year or two) and then Irish dancing (like Riverdance) for 7 years. The thing with Irish dancing though is that while you sometimes have a partner it's not like "normal" dancing partners, so the whole partner thing tonight was basically new to me. The steps (minus the first turn we learned that I'm a bit shakey on) were basic enough that after a couple of goes I understood them and could dance them (minus the occasional fumble here and there). But it seriously seems to all come down to your partner.

First thing I learned tonight about partners - if you're the follower and your leader doesn't lead well. You guys have massive problems.

Second thing I learned tonight about partners - if your partner is an old hat at swing, or is a fast study with good rhythm, and you know the steps decently, (minus a little fumble here and there) it's wicked fun.

Conclusion: Going to def go again, see if I can get better, and also find a partner who's a quick learner too :)


  1. Be kind to the newbie dancers!

    I was once dragged out to a swing night, and then an "introductory" swing lesson. I would describe the experience as stressful. I am not a dancer.

    Honestly: I didn't even realize that a leader is really supposed to lead. It turns out that followers have it so easy.

    Another thing: when I was doing these swing things we would rotate partners and it was really strange to me to both dance with complete strangers, and have those strangers range from young to old, skinny to not-so-skinny, and experienced to inexperienced.

  2. Sry I didn't mean to be mean to newbies. I mean I'm a newbie. I was just making an observation about the necessity of a good partner.

    I have to admit that I liked the rotating partners thing because it let you dance with so many people. Plus you ended up meeting a bunch of people too which was cool.

  3. I didn't get any of this post. Could you write a translated version?


  4. didn't get any as in didn't understand me and my ramblings or physically weren't able to read the text?

  5. it went right over my head. What's dancing again?

  6. > What's dancing again?

    I think it depends on who's doing it! If you were to see me "dancing" you'd probably think I had actually swallowed a mouse and wasn't sure if I should try to throw it up or poop it out.

    Or there's this:
