Saturday, September 5, 2009

the run down

1. I have never met a faculty more disorganized and more complicated than the faculty of education at queens. each course (and there are 8) has their own website, their own login that's different from every other login, and half of the time the websites don't work or the login's don't work. There are so many dates to remember, and too many classes send last minute emails along the lines of "oh, we haven't had class yet but please do this," or "oops! forgot to mention we're not meeting here on this day, but instead on this day at this time in this random location".
My reaction = "... !!! "

2. I got a job at Indigo today :)

3. I woke up this morning thinking that I was alone in the apt (as my housemate left to go to Wonderland this morning at 6:30 am) only to discover my friend Ted sleeping on my living room floor.

4. I have an infected toe that doesn't look that gross anymore (though it did) because I've been soaking it in boiling salt water. I'm pretty sure I have burns on my toe though...It also slightly exploded this afternoon with blood and pus. I know eh. gross :)

5. I need a larger agenda. For the first time in 3 months I have a ton of stuff going on and a ton of things due.
...maybe i should colour code things...i also need more binders...

6. I haven't eaten dinner in the past 2 nights. I know it's really terrible, but I'm just not that hungry.

7. I massively cleaned the apt. It looks fantastic if i do say so myself.

8. I need to go shopping for work clothes - you can only wear blue, black or white solid colour shirts with a collar at Indigo and I don't have any. I need a shirt for Friday and I don't have time to go shopping until Thursday.

9. I'm going to the Sandbanks on Monday. SO excited. Also excited because I have NO classes and the week is now a 4 day week.

10. I need to do more homework...but I kind of want to watch tv...more than that though I want to go to bed even though it's only 9 pm. What can I say boiling my toe is tiring ;)


  1. 1. Sounds bad. At uOttawa the School of Management has their own electronic delivery system, independent of the rest of the University. That annoys me.

    2. Congratulations; but, didn't you just get a job at PC Financial AND a teaching placement? How very employable!

    3. Ha!

    4. Gross.

    5. iPhone.

    6. I had popcorn for dinner last night. Salty, not sweet. Mmmm.

    7. Want to clean mine next?

    8. A woman who cannot find time to shop?

    9. I had to work today. Boo.

    10. How does the story end?


  2. 2. I didn't take the job at PCF

    7. Nope sry.

    8. This woman apparently. The world is cruel place.

    10. Totally did some work.
