Monday, February 9, 2009

and so we wait

we wait for the alarm clock to ring, for water to boil for a cup of tea. we wait for class to begin and class to end. we wait for the weather to be warmer, for the seasons to change. we wait for medications to kick in, for health to return. we wait for midterms to come, and then exams. we wait for the term to pass, for the day to pass. we wait for the weekends. we wait to learn to drive, to vote, to be legal. we wait for school to end, for life to begin, for life to end.

we wait for the those perfect days and nights that we wouldn't change for anything in the world. we wait for people to screw up, we wait for ourselves to screw up, because as we learn, no one is perfect. we wait for forgiveness, for the shit to hit the fan. we wait for sleep, for the sun to set. and then to paraphrase Plato, we wait for ourselves to be extraordinarily happy and we wait to be brought down incredibly low.

"we wait and we watch and we plan" as some line in some poem goes.

And yet, waiting is brought up short by "he who hesitates is lost" and "the early bird gets the worm" and so some follow these only to be brought up short again by you should "look before you leap."
we really can't win.

and so we wait.


  1. I'm with Jon on this, it's really good and made me smile. I think you should add in there though that we wait in DREAD for the shit to hit the fan!

  2. true that. There is dread in waiting for the shit to hit the fan.

    and thanks :) I'm glad that you liked it :)
