Thursday, February 5, 2009

i have a complex

At the moment I am sitting on my couch, with a blanket on (because I'm of course cold), drinking a cup of tea and eating an eggo without syrup (it's so depressing, I forgot to buy it when I was at A&P) and I have once again become aware that I have a complex.

Now I don't have an inferiority complex (I think too much of my self really) or a Cassandra complex or even a Napoleon complex (ok so maybe I wikipedia-d (?) the last 2) but nevertheless I still have a complex.

My complex isn't really grand or anything it's just that I always think that people are mad at me for no given reason. Stupid eh. Don't worry I'm well aware that it is.

It works like this: if I text message you and you don't reply that means that you mostly likely (I think) are mad at me. And then I worry about it. If I say something and you don't respond in a way that I think you should respond (like laugh or something) I think I might have offended you and that you're mad at me. And I worry about it or hasten to make amends and explain myself.

I expect people to get mad over the little random things - such as things that I say in passing, and so I have to constantly check in with people to make sure that we're ok, and that they're not upset with me.

This happened to me this morning actually on the way home from class (which is probably why the subject for this post came up). A friend and I were having a texting conversation and I sent the last message saying ok cool have a good day. No response. So what is my conclusion dear reader?
DING DING DING! You guessed it. Said friend could potentially be mad at me - maybe my friend took it that i was being sarcastic or something. Am I being ridiculous? Of course I am. Welcome to my complex.

Now all of this worrying about people and such doesn't take up much of my time. I don't sit there and call everyone on my phone list from my cell and ask them every couple of days if we're ok. It's just generally once every couple of days or so - sometimes once a day - I end up thinking someone out there is mad at me.
(Sometimes someone actually is. And sometimes I think they are but don't care - though most often I do)

How did this complex come about you ask? I have a very good idea. Am I going to divulge that? Sorry. No. It's enough to admit to cyberspace that I have it.

philosophy of life: people are weird. Get over it.


  1. A) If that person has a plan like me where it costs .15 to send a txt then I wouldn't reply either, what else are you going to say? "Thanks! You too!"? Doubt they're mad at you.

    B) You're right, you are weird. I have accepted this over the years. Did you know we're approaching a decade? How did you ever put up with me for so long?

    C) Remember, my phone is on ze fritz. I don't get txt msg's these days.

    D) People who flip about little things need to relax, you can't hold yourself accountable for how people react, only for how you do.


  2. A) Yeah I know that they're not mad at me.

    B) It's 9 years this September eh. I don't know how you put up me with for so long. We compliment each other quite well I think. Sry for filling up your inbox today ;)

    C) Gotcha.

    D) Yeah. I know. I try not to. But *sigh* I do sometimes...

    <3 !

  3. mah... inbox? *goes to check gmail*


    I shall start reading.

  4. I'm not mad at you Cait, couldn't be if I wanted to!
