Sunday, February 1, 2009

my shout into the dark

So I normally am not that gun-ho about blogs. I mean I am generally a notebook and pen kind of girl, who while writing a lot, keeps such writings to herself.
As you can see however, that has changed.

Now, my Nana and I (and possibly my mum) are going to New Zealand in May, and I thought that it would be a fantastic idea if I created a blog about my trip because that way I wouldn't have to send out a million emails telling everyone the exact same thing - everyone could simply check my blog. I know. I'm brilliant.

However, my thought process changed about blogs on Friday. I was at the Sleepless Goat and it was an open mic night of poems and oral story telling because Joseph Boyden was here (he won the Giller prize this year for his book Through Black Spruce, which I suggest everyone go and read). And so Queens students as well as the general public were able to go up and read their own poems (which I did - one anyway) and Jospeh Boyden read and so did the other distinguished guests and professional writers that were in attendance.

Needless to say it struck me sitting there at the Goat that while writing in journals is awesome and I think necessary, it is also necessary to project your thoughts out into the world. It is necessary for people to hear you. To read what you write. You have thoughts for a reason. Express them. Each of us has talents. Use them. Show them. Whatever it is that they may be.

So here we are.

Perhaps, this blog is simply my shout out into the dark. My way of showing the world that I exist. But who knows, maybe this blog every now and again will get someone to think. Will maybe even inspire. Hey, a girl can dream.

philosophy of life: everything you do or don't do, say or don't say matters. You will never know the full impact that you have on others, but never doubt that you have one.


  1. ps. cait's bring me along with her. she wants me to be her summer boyfriend (that's a new word i learned from christian last night)

  2. you learned that from Christian eh? And aren't you road tripping it home in May?

  3. sister. glad to connect in the blogosphere.

    gathering 07 forever.

    good thoughts. i want to read more of these.


  4. thanks matty. I really like your blog as well

  5. No one knows the complete picture at any one time. Organized chaos is good,at least there is some order to it. We all live in a world of organized chaos, it is how we get through everyday. As wonderful as the stars are and make no mistake they are wonderful, we can only marvel at them, we cannot touch and feel them like we can touch a glacier, the red earth in PEI, or slide down the Badlands in North Dakota. It's not about liking one thing over another, nature is beautiful in whatever form it comes and it is up to us to enjoy anr preserve what we see around us. By the way, the stars in the southern hemisphere, say around New Zealand, are even brighter. Hang in there, these are all excellent points you make. That's why you are at Queen's. Remember those marks. Your loving Father
