Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i have realized that

  • this week i will not be getting a lot of sleep
  • i need to buy a new travel mug because it will in the long run save me money - and time.
  • people never say what you expect or want them to say
  • the presentation that i have to work on is going to be more difficult that i anticipated
  • i'm a music junkie - i constantly need new songs to listen to
  • this week i'm a lot more anxious than i have been in a while
  • it is damn cold in my room at the moment
  • what i want from life is going to be hard to get and that even though i know what i want, it doesn't mean that i know how i'm going to go about getting it
  • there are many other people sitting in the same boat as me - lets face it people the boat sucks sometimes.
  • reading and studying about mental disorders before i go to bed does not make for a good bedtime story
  • i am totally procrastinating and yet it feels so good to do so


  1. Heh, here's a bedtime story for you:

    Once Upon a Time, a girl had a very silly cat. He loved tinfoil balls. He had a big one. One day he decided to play with it on his owner's bed. He played all day, batting it around and chasing imaginary things under the sheets. The owner didn't think anything about it until she climbed into bed that night. Why you ask? Was it the cat fur? No, it actually wasn't. It was the cat dander! So the owner spent almost 3 hours sniffing, sneezing, tearing up and blowing her nose while praying to the sleep gods to bring her some peace. Alas, it was not to be. After locking her silly cat out of her room he decided that he had as much right to be in that bed as she did. What did he do you ask? He BITCHED LIKE A PSYCHO WOMAN ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR FOR AN HOUR UNTIL SHE LET HIM IN.

    He then proceeded to snuggle between her legs in an awkward manner which made sleep that much more difficult.

    The end.

  2. that is an amazing story. I think that you should create some pictures and then pitch it to a children's book publishing company.
