Wednesday, August 19, 2009

oh drivers ed

Yes. I am 22 and taking drivers ed. What can I say, I never did it when I was 16, and I've since decided that it is about time that I got my full drivers license.

Drivers ed however is INCREDIBLY boring. I mean there are some randomly interesting things but overall listening to someone talk for 5 hrs (oh that's right 5 hrs a day (9am-2:30pm) for 4 days is the course) about how every second counts, how you could be a smashed wreck in less than 1 second, and how if you aren't aware at every second that you're in the car you could most likely die, gets boring after the first hr or two.

I have 2 more days to go.

Also, with the driving company that I am taking, there are 2 tests worth 60%, class participation that is worth 30%, a workbook, and a group presentation. And if you don't get at least 80% on the in class portion, you fail. And then you have to take it all over again.

For the next two days I am living for 2:30.

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