Thursday, August 20, 2009

the poptart

I have just recently been introduced to poptarts. How recently you ask? Well, about a month ago recent.

What did I eat for breakfast as a child then? Cereal sometimes (though personally I think cereal tastes best at night), sometimes toast, sometimes an apple. When I got to highschool I had ham and cheese on a toasted English muffin. The lunchladies knew me so well by the end that they always made sure that one was ready for me in the morning when I walked into the caf. We would then chat for a bit, and then I would go and run around to whatever I had going on, cause I was a kneener like that.

first year uni I wasn't up early enough for breakfast, and then at some point over the next couple of years toasted English muffins with peanut butter and bananna, or an omlette became the thing to eat.

But it was never poptarts.

However, poptarts were the thing to eat said my friend Jason, and when I was over at House Famous one day and hungry he suggested poptarts. I was incredibly skeptical, cause on tv commericals they looked kind of gross to me. But on that fateful day I had one. It was pretty good. The next time I was in Metro, I passed by them, paused, then bought a box.

I've had a box in my kitchen ever since. I burn my fingers on them taking them out of the toaster cause I just can't wait to eat them. It has become almost a staple.

Have I gone from one extreme to the other? Not knowing poptarts, to eating them ALL the time. Yes. Yes I have.

But what can I say? It's a poptart.


  1. I don't understand how you could have survived childhood without poptarts.

  2. I ate poptarts occasionally as a child, but not often. I do not eat them now. Dessert just doesn't right for breakfast.
