Thursday, June 18, 2009

as i walked out one evening

I went walking in the rain today. It was a misty rain though - the kind where you look slightly like a noob if you use an umbrella because there's not enough rain for one but enough to get you damp and leave your hair frizzy.

It was fantastic. I loved it. I love walking in the rain.

I then came home and - read poetry. I know eh. It seems very stereotypical. However, it was very enjoyable.

I was reading T.S. Elliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, which I think is such a wicked poem. And then I pulled out W.H. Auden. He's a pretty sweet poet too. The thing that is slightly frustrating about his poems (and the same with Emily Dickinson) is that they don't have titles. So the poem by him that I am completely enamored with is simply called 38 in my book, which is really no help at all for you in finding it to read. So here's the link:

Check it out.

I'm serious. Go read it. Right. Now.

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