Friday, June 26, 2009


I just finished chapter 1 of my story. I know that it's only a chapter in what is suppose to be a manuscript ideally, but I'm still a bit proud of myself.

It's seems that lately everyone is writing (alright not everyone, but some close friends). It's wicked. Even though some of the people that are writing aren't in the same city or even the same country there's still that community and that environment where creative is thriving. We're emailing back and forth, we commenting on each other's work, it's awesome. There's a person here too though in the city who I bounce ideas off of and write with, and I love it. It almost makes the stories come easier when you have those people to talk your story over with, or who can just keep you company while you write.

I can understand why artists and writers etc kind of group together almost, seek each other out. In my opinion it keeps the creativity thriving. It gives me at least the umph I need sometimes to keep going.

I realize that I might be prematurely excited about my story, but that's ok. I'm going to be excited anyway.

Chapter 2 here I come.


  1. You should be proud of yourself. I was so proud of my PROLOGUE (not even first chapter) that I posted it on facebook.

  2. i am so bad with checking people's profiles. Congrats about the prologue :) I shall go and read it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I tagged you in it!

    Those delete comments - due to spelling errors. Yeah, I misspelled "I tagged you in it!" twice.

  6. Wow, Jon.

    Yeah, wish I could say I was writing. I'm really not.

  7. Update: just wrote three pages of a short story. Will maybe get more written today, certainly more this weekend. Yes!

    Not sure where it's going, but hey...

  8. yay!!!!! Congrats Christian!!

  9. Hold on. I've written 58 (pages) since the beginning of the break (average 1 page a day) and you accuse me of not writing enough?

    You = Christian.

    Yeah, my epic spelling failures are magnified by the fact that I had to type in a word verification thing before posting.

  10. 58 pages??? sweet jon!! congrats!

  11. I am not employing myself to write. I have a full-time job which saps a lot of time and energy. I also have to compete with two other people for computer access. I also have to cook meals. This means that when I actually have time to write may not overlap with when I feel like writing, and when they do overlap, the computer might not be available. If I did not have a job and had unlimitied computer access, I would expect much more writing from myself.

    And 1 page a day isn't all that bad, no, if you're talking averages. Professional authors do more than that, but that's after years of practice.

  12. Why don't you write on paper? Like proper manuscript? I have often berated myself for using the computer. Should have done it by hand.
