Saturday, June 13, 2009


I am feeling very disconnected.

It has hit me, ever since I moved, that the past 4 years have certainly ended, and my community has scattered across cities and in some cases provinces, and in other cases countries. Email is great and so is facebook and everything, but let's face it, it's not the same. In the day to day routine of hanging out, and chatting to people my community has gone MIA. The family that I chose for myself has gone MIA.

This is not a pity me moment. It's just me kind of softly saying "oh," as the realization hits me again.

The solution is of course to keep in touch via email and everything, but also create a new community that is here in Kingston who I can hang out with and chat with face to face. I know this.

I have to admit though that I'm not finding it that easy at the moment to do this. And I think that's just because I have no social life at the present time. It'll become easier to create a new community when I go to church again, and go to home church, and get a job, and even further down the line, when classes start etc etc. But right now in this moment, I'm feeling like it's just me.


  1. i'm feeling the same way. miss you guys!! it almost felt like home again two days ago :).

  2. I know eh. I loved having you guys here :)

  3. welcome to my life.

    i'm at least twenty minutes from any friends, and have been since I was about eighteen. And of course my boyfriend lives 3243.08km away from me.

    it's fun.

  4. Try living out of province every summer.
