Monday, May 18, 2009


This morning was an early start. Wake up was 6 am. Breakfast was 7 ish
and we had to be on on the bus by 8. The bus however left without us
this morning.

We got there (no word of a lie at 8 am like we were suppose to) and
the bus was already on the street pulling away (apparently our guide
who counts to make sure we're all there, counted Wellington numbers
because 3 people from our tour are leaving us today, so she thought
she had everyone and didn't). So the hotel people called the bus,
called the APT company, and 5 minutes later or so the bus came back
with our guide and driver apologizing, and then we were apologizing.
In the end it was all good.

So we finally got onto the bus. Then we went to this steam plant
(because the area has thermal heat) and they use the heat to make
electricity, which was really cool.

Then we went and saw a waterfall that led out into some rapids a bit.

We arrived in Wellington (which is seriously not called the Windy City
for nothing. Kingston has got nothing on Wellington) and we went up
Mt. Victoria which is actually where they filmed part of LOTR. It's a
really lovely wooded area with a lot of trees and greenery and then
when you get to the top it has a fantastic view of Wellington. Peter
Jackson lives just north of the city and his Weta Workshops (where
they did all the graphics and such for the movie) are around the
harbour on Matamar (didn't spell that right). We're only in Wellington
for the evening though and so we don't have time to go and see.

The hotel here in Wellington is ridiculous. Nana and I are sharing one
and it's beautiful, and Mom has one to herself and it's like a suit.
They also have littely toy duckies in the bathroom (1 per room)
wrapped up in plastic packaging for you to use. I'm so taking it. I
also took a movie of the rooms and everything because we were having a
grand ol' time.

We're going to have dinner in about 20 minutes. And then tomorrow
breakfast is at 6:30 am and we're leaving at 7:15 to catch the ferry
to take us to the south island. It's a 3.5 hour ferry, and part of it
is across open sea so it should be interesting.

The only thing I don't like about the hotel is that the internet kind
of sucks. Firstly it's 10 dollars for 30 mintues. The computers are
older, and even though they have wireless internet you have to $50 for
24 hrs, you can't buy any less than that. Also on their computers they
don't have javascript enabled so I can't access some sights tonight
like twitter. I know, small beans. But you would think for such a ritz
hotel they would have planned their internet out better. Oh well. I'll
live lol.

Just because people that I'm on the other side of the world doesn't
mean that I've fallen off the world. I would LOVE to get some kind of
emails from someone. It's rather lonely checking your email and
finding no one's written to you. Out of sight, out of mind eh?

Love from NZ

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